Monday, 06 January 2025

Economics of Shingle Recycling

EconomicsWhy can using Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) result in cost savings?

With the rising cost of petroleum the economic savings of RAS is increasing.  Manufactured shingles consist of about 40 percent asphalt therefore offering a cost-effective alternative to virgin asphalt and aggregate used in paving projects.  The use of RAS in hot-mix asphalt applications can reduce the overall cost of paving a road.

What factors influence the cost?

The costs for virgin asphalt and aggregates throughout most of the country continue to rise. That cost varies, depending on your location and the relative availability of virgin asphalt and virgin aggregates.

There are costs involved in processing RAS that include equipment and labor to efficiently grind the byproduct, transportation, and storage.

What are national estimates of economic savings?

In January 1997, the National Asphalt Pavement Association published a special report, Use of Waste Asphalt Shingles in Hot-Mix Asphalt: State-of-the-Practice. The report concluded that cost savings using 5 percent shingle byproduct in hot-mix asphalt range from between $1 per ton to $2.80 per ton.

Many variables come into play when estimating possible cost savings -

Those variables include the grade of hot-mix asphalt produced, the cost for virgin liquid asphalt and alternative aggregates, landfill tipping fees, and the capital cost of equipment, as well as acquisition, processing, and handling expenses.

"Savings are relative, and largely relate to the price of liquid asphalt cement (AC)," according to a second National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) report, based on a series of presentations at NAPA's seminar Reclaimed/Reprocessed Materials in Hot-Mix Asphalt, in September 1999. Written by C. Jackie Williams, the article, "Interest Mounts in Recycled Roofing Shingles: As Savings Accrue to Producers, Landfill Space is Saved," indicates that if the price of liquid AC is high, shingles offer a greater potential for savings.

It's important to note that the use of RAS can result in economic savings. In any individual case, it's smart to request estimates for producing hot-mix asphalt with and without RAS. In addition, don't forget to factor in the environmental benefits of keeping RAS out of local landfills.


Last Updated: ( Tuesday, 05 June 2018 )