Sunday, 22 December 2024


Asphalt shingle recycling and re-use is allowed under Alabama's Department of Environmental Management. Such facilities are EXEMPT from the State reporting and registration requirements (335-13-3-.02). Contact the state or local officials to see what the regulatory interests are in a specific project.

Recycled asphalt shingle (RAS) material is limited to 3% by mass of the total aggregate content for surface layers and 5 % by mass of the total aggregate content for all other layers. All mixes must comply with ALDOT-372. Article 410.02 of the ALDOT Specifications list RAS requirements.


Alabama Department of Environmental Management

Danielle Loyd 
(334) 370 - 5651
Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Materials Management Section
P.O. Box 301463
Montgomery, Alabama 

Department of Transportation

John Lucas
(334) 242 - 6094
Alabama Department of Transportation
Bureau of Materials and Tests
3700 Fairground Rd. 
Montgomery, AL. 36110

Standard Specifications for Highway Construction 

Testing Manual: Approval of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Stockpiles & Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles 


EPA Regional Asbestos Contacts

EPA Region 4

461 Forsyth Street, S.W.
Atlanta, GA  30303-8960

TSCA Coordinator
John Hund
Fax: 404.562.8972 or 8973

NESHAP Coordinator
Pam Mcllvaine
Fax: 404.562.9164


Click here to notify us of updated information.



Last Updated: ( Sunday, 10 June 2018 )