Sunday, 22 December 2024


The Minnesota Department of Transportation has specifications on recycled asphalt shingle (RAS) use in state mixes. These specifications allow for both manufacture and post-consumer RAS. The DOT plans to continue to allow the permissive usage of RAS.

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency takes a proactive stance in promoting recycling and use of RAS in the state. For more information, visit their webpage or contact the state officials to see what the regulatory interests are in a specific project.


Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 

Wayne Gjerde
(651) 757 - 2392
Recycling Market Development
520 Lafayette Road N
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194

Department of Transportation 

Bituminous Engineer
John Garrity
(651) 366 – 5577
Pavement Engineering
1400 Gervais Ave.
Maplewood, MN 55109
The footnotes provide important details for mix design and project planning:

1. When shingles are included as part of the allowable RAP percentage in Traffic Level 2, 3, 4, or 5 mixtures the ratio of added new asphalt binder to total asphalt binder shall be 70% or greater ((added binder/total binder) x 100 >= 70). A minimum of one spotcheck per day per mixture blend is required to determine new added binder.

2. MWSS is manufactured waste scrap shingle and TOSS is tear-off scrap shingle.

3. RAS may be included in the mixture to a maximum of 5 percent of the total weight of mixture as shown in Table 2360.3-B2a. Either manufactured waste scrap asphalt shingles (MWSS) or tear-off scrap asphalt shingles (TOSS) may be included in the mixture.”

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Last Updated: ( Saturday, 09 June 2018 )