How Shingle Recycling Is
Redefining An Industry

WHO WE ARE The Most Comprehensive Online Resource For Asphalt Shingle Recycling

Millions of tons of asphalt shingle waste end up in our landfills every year, where they can take up to 400 years to decompose.

Beyond the wasteful environmental impacts, this represents an economic opportunity waiting to be seized. aims to increase North America’s asphalt shingle recycling rate and to be at the forefront of an industry with significant growth potential. is a resource created by the Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA) aimed at promoting the responsible recycling of Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS).

Since 2009, over 16 million tons of shingle waste have been recycled into asphalt roads. At 1.067 million tons per year, this is only a fraction of the shingle waste generated.

With your help, we intend to change that.

As a member of the CDRA, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, industry insights, and a network of experts committed to advancing shingle recycling.


Learn more about CDRA events and expert committees and build connections that will empower you to make a real impact in the industry.


The Market for Recycled Asphalt Shingles is Growing

RAS represents an emerging market that satisfies the increasing demand for environmentally-friendly solutions.

Market participants who start now will position themselves as leaders and change-makers.

The EPA estimates 15.1 million tons of shingle waste is generated annually in the U.S, contributing to environmental challenges and carbon emission reduction opportunities:

  • Asphalt shingles don’t biodegrade and can persist in landfills for centuries.
  • The carbon emissions reduction potential through asphalt shingle recycling is equivalent to removing over 327,000 vehicles from our roads annually.
  • Shingle recycling reduces the need for virgin materials like asphalt and aggregate in roadways, lowering greenhouse gas emissions equal to nearly 375,000 homes.

Take the next step by joining the CDRA, where you’ll collaborate with industry leaders, access cutting-edge research, and be recognized for your contributions to a greener future.

Industry Giants Pushing This Initiative

It takes a community to make this happen, from contractor to homeowner to hot mix asphalt plants (HMA).

By joining forces with industry leaders, you can be part of a movement by driving sustainability one roof at a time.

Connect with top manufacturers, stay ahead of industry trends, and position your business at the forefront of innovation.


As demand for sustainable solutions grows, so does the opportunity to make a lasting impact.

Find A Recycler Near You

Contact Us Today is your Online Resource for all aspects of asphalt shingle recycling.

Your CDRA membership connects you with an expert community dedicated to building a legacy of sustainability and innovation.

Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of a community that’s driving change in the construction and demolition industry.

Join the CDRA today and start making a difference.

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